Thursday, 27 March 2014

Have a Small business Setup? It’s Just the Right Time to be in eCommerce

Business of any size and specialty can touch the zenith of success – provided it continues to innovate and remains flexible.  Just think about the case of WhatsApp that has been recently bought by Facebook. The owner of this messaging platform had applied for salaried post in both Facebook and Twitter - and was rejected in both the places, only to go ahead with forming a business around a service that he believed in. The same is applicable for small business owners and especially those who intend to embrace ecommerce for their small business. To sustain in the present online market of extensive paid favoritism, one has to ensure that they have some ‘refreshingly’ unique selling point to proffer. This calls for innovative ecommerce strategy which is befitting the changes of market and user behavior of 2014.

Introducing change

As per eMarketer the global eCommerce sales is expected to reach the pinnacle point of $1.2 trillion in the year 2013 itself. This shows the evolution rate and to sustain in such a spree of trade one must make sure to take care of certain specific eCommerce approaching points.

Some of the factors for small Ecommerce owner to consider

For ensuring strong foothold in your niche one must concentrate over futuristic approaches and blend that with upgraded technical touch-ups. Getting the help of an authority for e-commerce web development services is what is needed primarily. Here are few of the major parts discussed in detail so that making use of this any small business tastes the sweet success of sales generation more often.

1. All hail to mobile: If you are still stuck with the concept that having an ecommerce portal is enough think again. You are missing a huge customer base if you are not considering having a mobile version of your site. It is estimated that by the end of 2014 around 67% of internet users will come through mobile and a considerable number from them will be using mobile as the medium of online purchase. In US itself 62% of the users go through mobile for price checking of any ecommerce store listed product.

2. Fast shipping option: Keep in mind that your competitor might be one step ahead of you. Thus, offering shipping options such as 15 day/ 7 day delivery is sure to ruin your business. This is because people come online for fast delivery on urgent basis in maximum cases. Thus, keep the shipping time really low if possible join hands with authority dealing in shipping ecommerce stores delivery exclusively to buck up the speed.  Amazon witnessed a growth of 25% in the sale by just adding an option of ‘same day delivery’.

3. Rich Content marketing: For small business owners seeking a ecommerce growth often needs the support for content marketing as it is cost-effective primarily and has the power to influence your buyers with blogs, press releases, articles, guest posts and viral marketing. Content of any form helps in establishing trust be it your YouTube channel videos or podcast.

If you are a small business owner, a world of opportunity awaits you with open arms. What you need is to armor yourself with the right tools and stay focused!

Saturday, 8 March 2014

The Significance of 'Security' in Ecommerce Website

With the entry of every new ecommerce store comes a fresh risk for consumers. With the rise in number of ecommerce stores regularly the mainstream security measure meant for the protection of consumers have suffered hiccups. The number of fraud cases while doing transaction is on the rise and this has prompted store owners to look over the security factors while setting up the store. The global ecommerce sales has touched the pinnacle point of $1.298 trillion this yea, this has made it mandatory for keeping thetransaction pipe safe.

If you are a store owner you must be knowing the headache that comes while thinking about the various potential threat that an ecommerce store might face in the name of hacking, fraud or reputation attack. Also, to be a trusted name you must get the trust of people who visit your portal and that can only be attained with security measure tightening. There are certain nations where this fraudulent rate is totally high and people must make sure to stay away from purchasing from any portal related to that nation. For staying in a favorable spot while thinking about development of a store seek the support of an ecommerce website development Company in India.

One must keep in mind that information related to credit cards and bank details lies with any ecommerce store and this makes them the hot favorite of nuisance creating people.

Look before your take a leap

Prior to starting the online business journey along with the marketing pointers one needs to consider about having a robust platform on which the store is hosted and absolutely making no stones leave while ensuring strong security.Few of the most needed tips for successfully doing this implementation are shared below.

1. Using of SSL certificates mandatoryand confirmhaving PCI compliance: There are various standard parameter which are proposed by Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) which credit and debit card industry have made mandatory for merchants that process any kind of cared payment for any purchase via online store. One needs to have compliance with this norm. In case of sites with payment gateways the PCI compliance is a must as they too have with them sensitive customer data. One must adopt SSL authentication as that provides secure communication between buyers and online ecommerce portal server and keeps the trust strong.

2. Stay away from falling in love with customer data: One at no circumstances shouldkeep with them the credit card numbers and CVV2 number or even the expiration date of customer’s credit card. This is totally unethical and against PCI norms also it’s illegal.

3. Opt for multiple layers of security:  Choosing multiple layers while setting the security system is the best way to tackle with nuisance creating hackers and fraudsters. Such layers protect a store from attacks such as cross-site scripting &malicious SQL injections.

4. Make sure of having DDoS protection with cloud-based services: Off late attacks of DDoS have considerably gained number. To tackle withthis security hoe online store owners must opt for registering in cloud based services which filter out the suspicious traffic. DDoS attacks also can be fought with managed DNS services.


This write-up will hopefully add value to your approach of making a store with higher security measures, but one need to keep on consulting with professionals of the niche to get latest buzz.