Friday 28 February 2014

An Insight into the Evolution of Ecommerce Websites

These last 15 to 20 years have changed the way we see our life thoroughly. Who would have imagined back than that sitting in room from mobile people will be able to book rooms in Marriot, buy champagne and even book air tickets! If statistics are to be believed 66% of adults from America have bought something or other from the web space. Another fact that might startle you would be 93% of adults have looked for ecommerce product in internet (courtesy of data: Pew Internet & American Life Project), this shows the power of it. At a staggering rate of 19% the ecommerce sales is growing every year and had reached a height of $963 Billion in 2013.

But where all of these had started is really a fascination story. The computing technology along with the power of business idea made some visionaries about the market that hay can gram using the internet and sale they could generate. This gave birth to the skeletal idea of ecommerce in somewhat late 70’s.

Ecommerce in Web 1.0

On the outset of web era the business owners noticed great scope of opportunity as the target audience demographic location was the entire world, but at that point of time reaching to the mass effectively was simply a tough call. That was the time of static pictures and pages with only text. The presentation was done in the form of online catalogues by few names, but soon was forgotten due to its lack of engaging tone.

The whole information jungle was unidirectional and nothing much was being added to the pile from the end of users who were the real end-buyers. Less emphasis was given to the person who actually would purchase an item. 

The Revival of Web 2.0

The demand for bidirectional information sharing established the Web 2.0 era which is dominated by social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace, twitter, etc. This is the time when user feedbacks, reviews and ratings came into the picture. The social authority of any brand considered as a search signal by Google. Targeted advertising and behavioral re-targeting came into implementation resulting into right information passing to the right person. But, amidst all these there has a pile up of huge redundant value or information which contributed to the spam amount in search engine.

Web 3.0: Keeping an Eye on the future

As the web world was getting more cramped with less valuable content and information were not organically coming in the SERP, rather were being pushed by inorganic approaches a need for drastic solution came forward. This is the time when we saw the rise of semantic era which is popularly called web 3.0 era. People now was getting the best filtered result and, based on location, habit, interested and age results are given towards them. This lead to mass revival of information structure over the web and spams got dumped. Ecommerce developer India has been contributing to the industry of ecommerce in Asia with authority for quite some time now. A gradual rise in the interest and implementation of ecommerce concept in various industries is pretty much visible.

Most of the popular ecommerce portals throughout the globe employed this feature in their portal and prompted people to make purchase those items which positively they might want to buy. The e-retail projected sale in Europe is expected to witness a rise of $64.9 billion in between 2009 to 2015.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Why Should you choose Amazon Webstore Interface for your eCommerce Website

Since its inception, Amazon effectively has been the trendsetter in eCommerce space, given its unique approach and interactivity. A major portion of the online merchants ply their trade in the popular medium owing to its effectiveness in reaching out to the target audience.

While there have been many competitors to Amazon off late, the eCommerce solution in India giant seems to still have the upper hand owing to its class leading features and benefits. An Amazon webstore developer will vouch for the effectiveness that the Amazon interface provides.

Core facets of Amazon webstore that makes it Invincible

Amazon webstore interface comes with a number of online conversion friendly features. It is imperative to say that on a purely gradation view, the Amazon features outpace its rivals’ by a fair mile. A graphical presentation of the various eCommerce features are provided below.


What makes Amazon interface so Popular?

As stated earlier Amazon continues to attract a major portion of e-retailers by virtue of it features. A detailed study of the eCommerce friendly features will give a fair idea why it is preferred over other platforms.

Turnkey based functionalities: The Amazon interfaced with laced with effective turnkey based eCommerce functionalities like integrated payment processing (with fraud protection) and store-branded custom checkouts. The Amazon hosted webstores employ the same technology as the Amazon site itself.

Custom website design tools: Amazon webstore interface endows the e-retailer with the ability to provide custom touch to their verticals. With pre-set templates and widgets one can provide brand-friendly touch ups at an instant. For advanced usage though, one can make use of CSS and JavaScript. Add to that the fully customizable content pages and we have a full package at our disposal.

Easy product merchandising: For any e-retailer merchandising forms a core part of the whole eCommerce experience. Amazon offers integrated merchandising options like color swatches, pan/zooming and more. The rating and review functionalities added with recommendations widget also comes in handy in getting leads from social media. Up-selling and cross selling are unique to many webstores using Amazon interface. The social media salability of product pages provides the webstores with organic and targeted traffic with minimal expenses.

SEO friendliness: The webstores come with meta-data customization features as well as custom URL structures. While these features take care of organic traffic building, the Amazon affiliate network is just the icing on the cake. Add to that VIP offers, coupon codes, free and discounted offers and the webstores do pull traffic from a vast demographic background.

Amazon Webstore Developer Integrated site management: Inventory management plays a pivotal role in eCommerce and Amazon offers plenty of opportunities there as well. From order reporting, advanced filtering to custom buyer communications, the Amazon webstores are laced with interactivity.

While these reasons are god enough to satiate any questions regarding the Amazon webstores feasibility one can also take a look into the integration of Amazon services like ads, Amazon prime shipping, marketplace shipping and more. To sum it all up it is true to say that Amazon does offer a ton of benefits which has enabled it to retain its position as an eCommerce market leader.