Monday 26 May 2014

What to Consider While Getting an Ecommerce Software and Online Shopping Cart Solution

When the taste changes, the menu changes, this has been the rule of business from the very first day. Taking the account of ecommerce industry, Volusion shared a very nice infographics lately; the data shown in there has been collected from Forrester, eMarketer and some other authority agencies. It’s being documented that by the year 2011, 53% of the US population were very much comfortable with the concept of online purchasing. Based on this result, it has been calculated that the online sales is bound to see an increase of 62% and the net industry worth will be $327 billion in the year 2016. 

Spending $1738 per year in eCommerce Shopping

The average purchasing habit of a common citizen of America is expected to be around $1738 by the year 2016. Now, this is the data calculated with a presumption of standard environment and approaches. If you wish to be in this league, first thing that you might want to make sure is a flawless store. Let’s begin with the idea sharing now.

The Steps of Building

There are certain time-proven steps which every business owner takes for making sure that their store is flawless in every aspect. Once the strategy building part is over, much of the focus has to be shifted over the technical parts. Just hiring any firm with good repute is not always the most important task.

This is because there is no one better that the client himself who understands his own business model. Thus, along with having fine ecommerce software solutions and a certified firm handling the project, several parts like planning, execution etc., have to be looked over at every phase. In the next segment of this write-up, will try to explain those major areas.

Areas to Look for

Being an entrepreneur and especially of an ecommerce store is never an easy task. And as said earlier much of the effort has to be given over various segments which will be discussed here for your understanding.

  • Aesthetic part: This is the segment which comes in the first phase of the project life cycle. A successful store must have a great UI and along with that sensible choosing of color & typography. All these together have mass effect on the user behavior while they are inside your store’s interface. There can be no jerks and all the ‘call to action’ parts have to be clearly visible. The structure of the store has to be user friendly with fine breadcrumbs and menu options so that user always gets the freedom of browsing any segment of the portal from any point.
  • Shopping Cart and payment gateway experience: Much depends on this part as when someone gets ultimate experience with the store’s interface, he will surely try to buy something from there. Thus, make sure to keep a very precise shopping cart system that makes people pretty interested in the buying process. Also, a SSL is must for trust establishment when they are inside the loop of payment gateway.

There are many other points which are there for discussion, but for the beginning the above essential points around the aesthetics and the functioning of an ecommerce solution will help you a lot.